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Surveyor's Certificate

A surveyor's certificate is a drawing that shows the position and size of any buildings in relation to the property lines of the plot of land that confirms or refutes whether all buildings fall inside the property and whether any buildings encroach on the property.


It is often confused with a plot or site plan which only shows where the house was supposed to be built. A surveyor's certificate can only be completed after construction is completed and it may need to be updated for older properties where a garage or addition may have been added.


Depending on the property size and location the cost will generally be around four or five hundred dollars. However, not every financial institution requires them. Also, if the current owner has a recent, legible, copy, it, along with an affidavit prepared by your lawyer, will satisfy most financial institutions.

For your convenience, a list of land surveyors is included below:

  • Challenger Geomatics - 389 Park Street - 306-545-4888
  • Condon Survey Group - 1066 Albert Street - 306-522-5628
  • General Surveys (Moose Jaw) - 306-692-3775
  • Harding Boss Mcleod Surveys 660-13th Ave E - 306-525-8706
  • Midwest Surveys 200-2222 13th Ave - 306-522-3601
  • SESL Sask 2111 14th Ave - 306-359-7375
  • The Focus Corporation 210-1230 Blackfoot Dr - 306-586-0837

Laugh and the World Laughs...

Q: Why do they bury lawyers twelve feet deep?

A: Because deep down, they are really good guys.